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Mt Baw Baw Forced To Close Early Due To Lack Of Snow
Mt Baw Baw, Victoria, Australia Michael Fulton (SnowStash) Mt Baw Baw, Victoria, Australia Michael Fulton (SnowStash)

Mt Baw Baw Forced To Close Early Due To Lack Of Snow

Mt Baw Baw Resort in Australia has announced an early closure of its 2023 snow season due to unseasonably warm weather conditions. The resort, located near Melbourne, will end its official snow season on September 3, affecting skiing and snowboarding activities. The lower altitude of the resort has made it more susceptible to the adverse effects of warming trends. The closure is attributed to a combination of limited natural snowfall, above-average temperatures, and the influence of an El Niño pattern. Despite the challenges, the resort aims to maintain limited access to the mountain even after the season ends. The announcement highlights the broader impact of global warming on the Australian ski industry, with other resorts also experiencing reduced snow cover.

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